Let's be honest, it's not always fun or easy to stay fit. But, you have to realize that to be healthy, this is something we all must do. It's a good thing that people don't have to take drastic measures to be fit. Fitness only take some of your time and efforts. The process might just be enjoyable in the end.
Lifting weights is one way that people try to become fit. If you want to improve your fitness, you only really need six simple exercises to work out all of your muscles. These exercises are pull ups, leg raises, bridges, handstand push ups, regular push ups, and squats.
By adding variety to one's routine, the body will receive maximum benefits. If you normally use your treadmill for exercise, you can switch things up by going for a run around your neighborhood. You will have more of a workout because you are not running on a flat surface. When exercise is varied, it is harder for the body to plateau, so weight loss can continue.
Keep track of your calorie consumption. When you know the number of calories you ingest every day, you can better determine whether you will gain or lose weight. The combination of burning calories while exercising and closely watching your calorie intake will produce quick, major results.
If so, look at other choices. Biking is a great way to workout, too. Biking is an inexpensive, fun, and fit way to get to and from work. If you work less than five miles from home you should be able to get there in thirty minutes or less and since you will have to ride home again, you get two workouts in one day.
Like with any exercise, making sure your walking form is correct is an important factor in preventing injuries. Walk upright with your shoulders square and lifted. Let each elbow drop to a right angle. When your left foot is forward, your left arm should be back and vice versa. Make contact with the ground first with the heel, and then roll your foot onto the ground.
Exercise when watching television so you always have weight loss momentum. Try walking in place between commercials. Try small weight training as you sit on the couch. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to workout.
Have you been wanting to get more out of your workout? Stretch before, after and between exercises to help build your strength by as much as 20 percent. Take 20-30 seconds to stretch any muscles involved after each exercise you do. You can improve your workout with a simple stretch.

Keep your rpms under 110 and above 80 to optimize your bicycling experience. By doing this, you will not only be able to ride faster, but also farther because you will have less fatigue and knee strain. Check your pace by figuring out how many times you raise your right leg in ten seconds and multiplying that sum by six. This will be the rpm that you should aim for.
In conclusion, fitness isn't going to be fun all the time, and it's probably not going to be easy. If you have the right attitude and workouts, though, it doesn't have to be torture. The only person you have to let down is yourself. You have already taken the first step towards your new life of fitness.
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